Welcome, National Guard Citizen-Soldiers & Airmen
& Your Family Members.
This is Your Higher Education Support Initiative!
The Higher Education Resource Center (HERC) has provided support to enlisted members and officers of the National Guard for many years. In fact, the state-of-the-art degree exploration system that we use has been used to help more than 43,500 citizen-soldiers and airmen find the optimal degrees that fit the credit they have earned in the past, as well as their needs, goals and
desires. In the past, we were in place providing support through a federal contract with the National Guard Bureau. Now, with the advent of the newest generation of the degree exploration system that enables us to identify the optimal degrees, we now offer free support to any National Guard member, even family members of citizen-soldiers and airmen.
To connect with those who need this support, we have teamed with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). This teaming with EANGUS, however, does not limit our support to enlisted personnel who are members of EANGUS. Our free support is open to any National Guard member, officer or enlisted, and family members, as well. As such, you, too, can see how the college credit you have earned for your professional training and MOS or AFSC in the Army or Air National Guard can help propel you closer to completion of a degree in the subject you desire. You will also see how DegreeQuest can empower you to minimize loss of credit in transfer, thereby preserving the credit you have earned in the past from accredited colleges and universities. You will be amazed at the support we provide!
Regardless of whether you are pursuing an undergraduate degree (Associate's or Bachelor's degree) or a graduate degree (Master's or Ph.D), you are in the right place! With this free support. powered by our patented DegreeQuest technology and our amazing student support system, SOCRATES ®, you can be empowered to earn a degree in the subject you desire quickly and at a fraction of the cost. This is just one of many educational support opportunities available to members of the National Guard. Click on the image on the above to visit the National Guard Education Page on their website.
At HERC, we have built hundreds of accredited colleges and universities in the degree exploration system offering thousands of+ degrees at a distance covering the full-spectrum of higher education, from Associate's degrees all the way to Ph.D's. We can systematically identify which of these degrees best fit the credit you have earned in the past, digitally streaming your academic accomplishments into the degree requirements to minimize loss of credit in the past. We also help students we serve get the credit they deserve for their adult learning experiences, such as college credit for professional training completed in the military, or with corporations or government agencies. Which of these thousands of degrees best fit your previously earned credit, as well as your needs, goals and desires? With our free support, we can show you! Dare to Compare! With our support, you will be able to make an informed choice: After all, the decision as to which college or university you will earn your degree from will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. We welcome the opportunity to help you compare the best options!
Once you have selected the degree that you would like to pursue from one of our participating colleges and universities, our professional counselors will work with you to guide you in the use of the thousands of resources linked to our student support system, SOCRATES ®, to help you succeed. This includes 350+ semester hours of tuition-free college courses: Earn college credit by examinations accepted by 82% of all the colleges and universities in the nation; links to dozens of providers of low cost textbooks saving our students $$$; see if your personal profile matches to providers of scholarships and grants, as billions of dollars in assistance is given out each year. These are just a few of the wide array of resources that we provide students that we serve through SOCRATES ®.
We encourage you to click on the Home button at the top of this page or select the Main Menu to find out more about what we do for those whom we serve. Don't delay. Apply NOW for this free support!