call:   865-686-8347

Higher Education Resource Center

a bit about us

We Look Forward to Supporting YOU!

Nice to meet you!

check out some of the organizations we support

Our support is not limited to the organizations with which we have teamed to serve their workforce. We welcome the opportunity to serve you! If you are an HR professional of a business, corporation, government agency, or or a church, or just someone who needs to earn a degree, take advantage of this opportunity now. Call 865-686-8347 or 8348 - click here to apply today!

Spotlight on Our Leadership:


Tim, Founder, LCDR, USCG (ret.), Founder & CEO, Former Educational Service Officer at two bases and USCG Service Chief of Voluntary Education

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Sabine, Ph.D., Cofounder, President - Former Undergrad. & Graduate Professor at several colleges and universities

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We Look Forward to Supporting You!

Our Goal is Your Success...

Let Us Help Your Employees & Their Families.

We Are a Student-Centric Operation!

We are Advocates for Students We Serve


Earn a Degree Quickly:

With Degree Quest ®, we guide students in exploring thousands of degrees from hundreds of colleges and universities. Which are right for you to consider? Let us show you. With our support, you can minimize loss of credit in transfer and get the credit you deserve for your adult learning experiences. Earn the degree you desire from the convenience of your home, yet receive the same degree others receive on campus.


Save Significant Time & Money:

You do not have to spend a fortune to earn a degree at a distance. With our support, you can earn a degree quickly and at a fraction of the cost. With SOCRATES ®, link to 500+ semester hours of tuition-free courses, earn credit by examinations accepted by 2,900+ colleges nationwide, see if you match to scholarships and grants, find low cost textbooks, and more!
